Qatar and the Gulf crises of the past and future options

April 2014 content of the paper  Summary  First: - pillars of Qatar's foreign policy  Second: The foreign policy objectives of country  Third, questions about the role of national  IV relations Qatari Gulf  Fifth: Gulf papers Pressure economic Qatar  VI: the options available to Qatar Summary countries decided to Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, on the fifth of March, to withdraw their ambassadors from Qatar under the pretext that Doha has violated one of the terms of the Charter of the Gulf Cooperation Council, which prohibits interference in the internal affairs of member states in the Council;, a decision which represents the height of the dispute within the GCC, and opens the door to question about his future. Began differences between Qatar and Saudi Arabia with 1995, but that the two countries were able to deal with it as a matter of relative calm, careful to the Gulf Cooperation Council. The Arab Spring seemed Qatar's position in support of those revolutions Kngrad outside swarm Gulf states, so is the decision to withdraw ambassadors, a step aimed at trapping Qatar; but How much the feasibility of this decision and its impact on national policy, and what are the options available to Qatar to deal with this decision? This paper seeks to answer these questions, after reviewing the most important pillars of foreign policy tools and the country during the last period. First: the pillars of the country's foreign policy starts from the Qatari diplomatic inter constants, the most important commitment to the rights of sovereignty and the state, and Andm interference in the internal affairs of other countries and avoid the policy of axes. Qatar also adopts the philosophy of realism with diplomatic accept the consequences of contributing to the achievement of peace and refuse to resort to force in resolving disputes, with a commitment to the rules of international legitimacy, and keep abreast of developments and global developments or adaptation. Touts Qatar what might be called the "economic policy" depends where their vast resources of gas;, which enabled it to balance the dependence on the United States in securing strategic depth, and at the same enjoy freedom of movement and to diversify its options regional through association with a group of important countries - from including four permanent members of the Security Council; According to the International Energy Agency, issued diameter of more than 200 million cubic meters of liquefied natural gas to Belgium, China, France, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Spain, Taiwan, the United States and the United Kingdom in 2011 There is no doubt that if the relationship with these countries in the field of energy are beneficial to Qatar. Qatar built its foreign policy on a number of pillars, including: (a) security and correlation rules America: proved the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, the weakness and the fragility of the small Gulf states, Qatar and convinced that the United States is alone capable and willing to provide the ultimate security. Qatar thus moved away from the traditional reliance on Saudi Arabia - which have proven ineffective for Kuwait in 1990 - and established military ties with the United States directly. As a former minister for defense, Sheikh Hamad has extensive experience in this area. The correlation to the establishment of bases Americas large in Qatar: the first is the Al Udeid Air Base, which is home to Central Command, which led wars in the post-September 11 / September 2001 in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the other camp Alsailiya that hosts the largest American base for storing pre-weapons outside the United States. He also said there is a possibility that the United States views the transfer Fifth Fleet from Bahrain to Qatar troubled most stable. With these rules, able to ensure the security of Qatar, which give confidence to build an independent foreign policy and dynamic. (B) Economy: The basis for the influence of other important country in the Middle East, to its success in the recruitment of their financial resources. The year 1991 is the starting point with the start of the first phase of exploration in the North Gas Field, the largest natural gas field in the world, which is located in the Arabian Gulf in the territorial waters of Qatar and Iran. Resisted by neighboring Saudi Arabia initial attempts to export gas via a pipeline to the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Kuwait, and perhaps this was a blessing in disguise because it has urged Qatar to invest in LNG facilities and securing international markets for its exports of gas, which is possible, therefore, gas exports from deregulation regional. Have provided long-term agreements for the supply of gas to Japan and other Asian countries and the steady rise in the price of oil and gas revenues for the huge state Qatar, Doha and enabled financing of foreign policy, a strong and independent. C Al-Jazeera was the launch of Al Jazeera from Qatar among the most influential projects in 1996 contracted with several Al-Jazeera journalists who have been trained in the BBC, and the granting of the Governing Council of the channel is very wide margin of editorial freedom, has proved to be remarkably useful; where she was able to broadcast programs are very popular around the Arab politics and social issues, economic and cultural controversial, and these programs attracted a wide audience of Arabs, and gave a well-established channel's credibility in the Arab street. News channel has caused diplomatic problems in the incidence of many of Doha. Has repeatedly pressed the United States to Qatar because of the positions of the island, especially during her anti-American invasion of Iraq; while Saudi Arabia withdrew its ambassador to Qatar in 2002 after press coverage critical of the Saudi domestic affairs. Proved the independence of the island state of Qatar in the eyes of the Arabs and gave credibility of Qatar and increasingly more supporters versus opponents. W investments and foreign aid: The Qatar finding great investment opportunities in several areas, and to support the trend here: Qatar Financial Centre was established in 2006 to support investment activities. It also widened the scope of country assistance to include geographic regions spaced around the world, providing emergency assistance in many of the major disasters such as Fadhananat Pakistan, and the earthquake in Haiti, Japan and the Horn of Africa drought, in addition to humanitarian crises such as Palestine and Darfur. The total aid, humanitarian aid and development provided by the Qatar government and non-governmental organizations in the years 2012-2013 more than three billion QR was introduced to one hundred countries from all continents of the world Secondly, foreign policy goals Qatari intended goals of Qatari foreign policy as conditions that would like to Qatar achieved in the external environment and influencing the international format or in other international units. Generally GOES foreign policy goals the country to a number of objectives, including: (a) maintaining the diameter of security threats: with the lack of fit in area and population between Qatar and its neighbors Alqoatin Saudi Arabia and Iran was the most important foreign policy goals of the country that has the elements of a deterrent against any external threat ; addition, large parts of the natural gas fields Qatar extends through the maritime border with Iran, Qatar persuaded that adopts a non-confrontational approach with Iran, even in times of tension between Iran and its neighbors, or between Iran and the United States.